6L6 SE-UL Grey and Black

As promised, after the primer was fully dry I took the power transformer down to my shop and put it together with the grey top on the chassis. Whereas the grey would make for an interesting look, I think I’ll like the black better. So unless there’s an uproarious outcry from the amp builders of the world, that’s the way I’ll be going.

Just to help illustrate my decision, here is how the grey metal looks on the amp both with and without the transformer. First without:

And now with:

I could almost go with the grey (especially in gloss) with the chassis by itself. However, the blue Edcor transformers seem to clash with the grey. If I repainted the end bells black it might work, but I really like the Edcor blue (Gentian Blue, RAL 5010).

So for this chassis, I’ll be painting the exposed metal a semigloss black and leaving the blue on the transformers. Let me know what you think. Especially if you think it’s a huge mistake.

As always, questions and comments are welcome.

9 thoughts on “6L6 SE-UL Grey and Black

  1. Another vote for black.
    However, as a woodworker I suspect you are familiar with Delta gray – the color of Delta woodworking machines from about 1930s to 60s/70s. I once received some Delta gray touch up paint from Delta for a restoration of an old jointer. So, they still offered it just a few years back. I’ve always liked that unique color.
    But, it may not be right for this project. Perhaps the next?

    • There are actually two Delta tool greys. The one you mention which is the “dark” version and the one used on newer machines which is a “light’ version. I also know people who have had custom color matches done to restore old machines.

      I do like the old grey color. I should keep it in mind for a project down the road.

  2. Black is definitely the way to go.
    As I said in a previous comment, the grey has too much of an industrial electrical enclosure look.

  3. I like black too, but I would suggest a satin finish since the wood and transformers are already so glossy.

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