6L6 SE-UL In the Black

So the black finish has set up and I think it looks far better than the grey. So, again, as long as there’s no uproarious outcry, I’ll be going with the black. I think this finish ties the whole project together much better than the grey would have done.

The black goes better with the transformer color and it really complements the various hues in the chassis wood. Also, by serving as a nice separator between the chassis and the Gentian Blue transformers, it keeps the pop of color from detracting from the chassis tones. The whole package just “feels” right in a way that the grey didn’t. But don’t just take my word for it, have a look.

First, here is the chassis and black metal together without the transformer:

And here it is with the transformer:

I think the black is definitely the way to go. There were a couple of finish blemishes which needed to be corrected. I accomplished that shortly after the above pictures were taken. Now the finish needs a couple of days to really set before I start to install the mounted components.

The weather here is fairly warm right now with daily highs of ≈95°F (≈35°C) (my shop seems to stay a little cooler) so the paint should set up well in the next couple of days. I’ll post more as the assembly gets underway.

As always, questions and comments are welcome.

8 thoughts on “6L6 SE-UL In the Black

  1. Clearly black is where it’s at. Beautiful.

    Here in PNW, we get 95F days most years lately, but we hate it! Most homes built before the 2000s don’t/didn’t have AC. Never felt the need until last 10 years or so. I got my heat pump about 6 years ago and can’t imagine life without it. But that has nothing to do with the quite lovely new 6L6SE UL. The excitement builds.

  2. Yep, black looks great. Just noticed that there’s only drilling for three transformers. So all chokes are underneath on this build?

  3. Yep – that’s the way to go!
    Here in the Philadelphia area, we just came off of a nasty multi-day heat and humidity wave (>95F, >50%RH), but for us this is a normal midsummer thing.

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