6L6 SE-UL Wiring Progress

This is just a quick post to let everyone know that I have made some progress on the subject amp’s wiring. Unfortunately, there is a complicating factor which is slowing me down.

I haven’t actually gotten a lot done, but here is the progress so far.

But, as I used to tell my elementary school teachers, I’ve got a really good excuse.

In the last few weeks an old spine injury has really flared up. It seems something may have shifted in my back and sitting in a chair for any length of time, as one would do to wire an amplifier, is relatively painful. So until I can get this worked out with my doctor, the amp wiring may be going relatively slowly. I’ll try to get as much done as possible, as soon as possible. I just thought I’d let everybody know.

As always, questions and comments are welcome.

3 thoughts on “6L6 SE-UL Wiring Progress

  1. Back pain is a tough one to relate to others. You look fine and people expect that you’re OK. I watched my wife writhe in bed for hours after pretending to be OK at work. My take home message (I’ve been in meetings today) is to listen to the back and listen to the back’s owner. We’re talking about serious pain.
    Matt, I’m certainly in no hurry. I’m confident we’ll see a completed 6L6SE in due time, and it will be amazing.

  2. Back pain is the worst. I had a failed L4 L5 lumbar fusion done 22 years ago that forced me into an early retirement. If that wasn’t bad enough I was diagnosed with 2 bulging discs in my neck 5 years ago. All the docs I’ve seen want to do another fusion surgery but I’m too chicken to go under the knife again. My advice is to look into EVERY option from acupuncture to voodoo before you have any cutting done. Once you go down that road there’s no turning back.

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