6L6 SE-UL Driver

I’ve managed to make a little progress on the driver stage of the amplifier. And another project is coming along well.

It’s not much but it is something.

The driver for this amp is just a single ended common cathode triode amplifier. As such it only takes six component to form both left and right channel amplifiers. The grid resistors are taken care of by the volume control and the coupling capacitors will be mounted by the power stages, so this is it. Obviously four wires will connect to the socket, but that will come later.

I did check on another project this week. I have a batch of mead fermenting in the corner of the kitchen that looks to be doing really well. Here is the fermentation in action.

From this level of activity I think it has another couple of weeks to go before I check on it again.

I’m going to try and make some more progress on the amp in the next couple of days. Hopefully I’ll have much more progress to show in several days.

As always, questions and comments are welcome.

2 thoughts on “6L6 SE-UL Driver

  1. Looks to be going well, amplifier and brewing. I brewed quite a few 20 litre plastic containers of beer in my uni days. I think only the last few I made you could call comparatively successful.

    • Yes, the whole problem of boiling wart to get the flavors and sugars right always seemed to be kind of hit and miss to me. Meads and fruit wines are much more straight forward in my opinion. Easier to do and generally produce better results. YMMV.

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