I can’t believe I did that! How could I have been so thick headed to make this kind of mistake?
Look at this picture:
Look at the heater wiring. The tube socket on the right is a 6CA4 rectifier. The two other sockets are for 12AU7s. See the mistake? Both heaters for the 12AU7s are wired for 12.6V not 6.3V.
Now look at this picture:
I have to somehow rewire the heater circuits UNDERNEATH all those other components. This is not going to be fun.
As always, questions and comments are welcome. Just don’t be too cruel.
gosh Matt! & you’re an old pro! as i get older i just loathe re-work. it weakens the part; on pcb’s it messes up the tracing & it is just cumbersome! earlier, i’d gotten John Broskie’s Aikido linestage w/ 4 6SN7gt’s in tow & i used to work as chef & @ midnight hr. after few beers, would finish audio project. anyway, i’d soldered one socket with the lock/notch a degree off clockwise & without the soldersuck pen, just with the braid was a big challenge in getting all the solder out of the holes! plus the excessive heat weakens the copperfoil! i was looking @ the old EL84 Fisher amp the other day & the amount of parts thev’e managed to squeeze in is unbelievable! & most of it was done by women in those days! well, they made A bombs too!
Aint that a …….
Yes… yes it is.