The resistors for which I’ve been waiting showed up this afternoon. Time to get back to work on the Source Selector Unit.
The 2.74kΩ/1W power resistors to get the B+ down to the proper value showed up just after lunch today. These are they:
These are nice 1% tolerance wire wound power resistors that should work well in the power supply.
Before heating up the soldering iron and wiring in anything, I did a quick final check. The B+ values are at 302vdc for both channels. Here is that test.
The resistor is installed in the bottom set of posts on the test aid in the center of the picture.
Now the assembly process can start up again. I’ll install the power resistor on the board and then perform all the DC checks to make sure the stages are operating correctly. Once that’s complete it will be time to install the tube assembly and all the final wiring in the chassis. And once all that’s complete, I can proceed with functional checkout, meter calibration, and AC signal checks on all channels. This project will be finished very soon.
As always, questions and comments are welcome.