No, I haven’t fallen off the face of the Earth. And I realize that people are waiting for the completion of the Source Selector Unit. I just got unexpectedly busy.
About the time of my last post, I started what was supposed to be a simple project to replace some boards on an outdoor deck. After tearing things apart this quickly escalated into a complete rebuild job complete with superstructure repair and all new cladding. I’m still not done but i’m getting close.
In the middle of all this, summer produce started to come in and that meant getting my summer canning done for the year. As anyone who does this knows, fresh produce waits for no man. So, I’ve also been putting up pickled vegetables and, as the sweet corn and peppers begin coming in, I’ll be switching to relishes. And I’ve had to get my summer ciders done and I’ll soon be starting my fruit meads as the various berries come in. All of this needs to last for a year.
All of this activity, along with normal summer chores like weeding, pruning, mowing, et. al., has conspired to keep me from my tube projects. So I plead for just a little more patience. In a couple of weeks I should be back at my workbench to finish up the SSU and maybe starting on a new project.
As always, questions and comments are welcome.
Kudos to you for canning and preserving. Late summer here in the PNW can be overwhelming… My raspberries failed this year. Not entirely sure why but climate change played a role (I’m actually serious about that). So there’s one thing I don’t have to worry about. Perhaps you have Hazelnuts on your farm? A bumper crop for all of us in OR this year.
You’re not alone with unplanned home projects…I need to replace the gate and fence on one side of the house. Cheap Home Depot hardware failed badly in less than 5 years. Doing it “right” this time.
We’ll all get back to our audio projects soon enough…
Thank you Matt for the update. “We have a plan and life gets in the way”. – it happens to all of us!
Looking forward to your progress on the project.