I have made a small change to the website which I hope will be helpful.
In the block containing links to the article pages, I have regrouped the articles according to content. The block still starts with “Home”, “About”, and “Blog” however the rest of the pages are loosely grouped into “amplifiers”, “technical articles”, and “introductory articles”. And most importantly, the link to the newest article (regardless of topic) will always appear directly after the “Blog” entry.
For example, as I write this the newest article is the technical article “Optimization of the 6L6 SE-UL”. I am hopeful that this will make it a little easier for people that are checking back to quickly find the newest content. When a new article page is added, the previous new article will move to its appropriate grouping.
I hope that as the article list grows, this will make it easier to find the newest material.