Identifying a Mystery Tube

This has happened to most of us at some point or another. You come upon a tube with no markings whatsoever mixed in with a bunch of miscellaneous tubes. Or, like I just did, you get a “lot” of tubes from a reseller and most are marked but a few are wiped clean. But how does one go about positively identifying the mystery tube? Especially with the numerous types of 7 and 9 pin miniature tubes in existence this can seem to be a rather daunting task. However, just like a game of “20 Questions”, it is actually simpler than one might think.

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Why Not to Use 6V6s As Preamps

This is a topic that rears its head periodically on vacuum tube forums and discussions. Just a couple of days ago I was reading a forum thread on preamps and someone threw out the suggestion of using a triode strapped 6V6 as a preamp tube. Now this is nothing new. I’ve been hearing this suggestion, on and off, for at least ten years. But using a triode strapped 6v6 (or any beam power tube) as a voltage amplifier is a poor idea which simply doesn’t hold up to technical scrutiny.

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Switching Amps and Getting My Brain to Pay Attention

Now that the color preamp is done (knock wood), I’ve been trying it out on different amplifier and speaker combinations. But there is a little issue. Unknown to most people is that your brain can really only hold onto an unadulterated memory for a minute or so at the very longest. Most of the time you’ve got less than about 30 seconds. After this interval your brain starts throwing out what it considers to be extraneous information leaving only impressions. And this is a big issue when attempting to make subjective comparisons.

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Not Quite Done

There are a variety of sayings, axioms, proverbs, or quips which could apply to me this afternoon. A few which come to mind include:

“How wayward the decrees of fate are”Vanitas Vanitatum – William Makepeace Thackeray

or this one:

“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall”Proverbs 16:18

or just the simple axiom:

“It ain’t over till it’s over”Yogi Berra

In any event, it would seem that “Final Chapter” or no, I have one more post concerning the Color Preamp.

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The 12AU7 “Color” Preamp with Improved Buffer

Lots of work has been going on the last couple of days working on an alternate buffer design for the 12AU7 “Color” preamp. As readers should know, I was not particularly pleased with the performance of the previous buffer circuit. It was bottoming out at too low a voltage. Now however, I have a simple change which yields much better results.

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The Color Preamp is Fully Assembled

I had thought that the coupling capacitors I ordered on Tuesday would not arrive until this Saturday. However, the gods of DIY decided to smile down upon me and the capacitors showed up in today’s mail delivery. In my opinion, two days from order to delivery is exceptional. I spent some time this afternoon with a soldering iron in hand and the Color Preamp is now fully assembled.

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The Color Preamp Tales of Woe

As you may know I’ve been waiting on components to finish my “Color Preamp”. I thought that I’d have my output coupling capacitors by now, but I was mistaken. It seems that my parts supplier, after promising to get the parts right out to me, spent three days trying to find the parts in their warehouse, then sent me a refund. But I thought I’d outsmarted them.

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Component Tolerances & Modern Manufacturing

Since I’ve been at a standstill waiting for parts, I’ve been going over my parts supply and getting things organized again. It seems we’re all constantly working against entropy. While doing this, my bagged and sorted capacitors reminded me of a short article I wrote back in 2013 about component tolerances. I’ve decided to reprint it here for reference.

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Quick Project for the Preformed Chassis

Since I’m still waiting for appropriate weather to finish the 6AS7 SET chassis, I’ve been making progress on a small project for the aluminum chassis from the last post. I decided to put together the “Color” preamp from the post a few days ago. This project will make use of one of the Hammond discount power transformers about which I posted a couple of weeks ago. It’s coming along well, but VERY slowly.

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