Tube “Color” Preamp for Solid State Amplifiers

For a while now, ever since the “Universal Preamp” was posted on the site, I’ve been getting steady requests for a good tube preamp to provide some color to solid state amplifiers. My initial answer to this problem was to design a good quality cathode follower for the Universal Preamp. There was one problem, the volume control.

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About that Volume Control

Since I first introduced the concept for the “Universal Preamp” over ten years ago on the DIYAudioProjects forum, there has been almost constant discussion of my decision to place the volume control on the output of the preamp. I have been asked questions about it numerous times over the years. I have also had some “spirited discussions” with some who vehemently disagree with that design decision. Well, I thought it was high time to explain that decision once and for all, and to discuss exactly what this configuration means for preamp performance and output impedance.

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Toroids and “Shorted Turns”

As I was going through some things today I stumbled upon an email discussion I had recently on the topic of toroids (i.e. toroidally wound transformers and inductors) and shorted turns. Given the popularity of toroids, and amount of misinformation floating around on the internet on the topic of shorted turns, I thought that a short discussion of the phenomenon was in order.

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Quick Note on Contents

I have added a side bar widget on the Blog page labeled “ARTICLES OF NOTE”. I decided that rather than having links floating all over the posts and comments, when I found something of interest I’d post the link in this block.

The first item is a web page from the Lampizator site discussing Audio Heresy. I found it fairly humorous.

Expanding Horizons

We’ve had a chilly rain/snow mix today at CascadeTubes so it’s a little too cold to work on the SET chassis in my unheated shop. Instead I’ve been thinking about my new triode test jig and have been going over the tube list that it covers. There are lots of tubes on the list with which I am not intimately familiar so I’ve been pulling data sheets and doing some investigations. And I’ve received some pleasant surprises!

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