You Can’t Always Get What You Want

Lately I’ve been looking at a revised amplifier design based on the Marblewood project. The intent of the redesign effort is threefold. First, a different and more widely available rectifier tube. Second, an improved, if slightly more complicated, power supply design. And third, some potential improvement in the low frequency response. As it turns out, you can’t always get what you want. But also, two out of three ain’t bad.

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Improving Testing with Modern Technology

There are lots of practices in the DIY world that are more than a little out dated. I’m obviously not talking about using vacuum tubes but rather the methods used in building and testing the circuits we build with them. Many of these test methods came about for very good reasons; perfectly applicable at the time. But as technology has advanced the reasons for many of these practices are no longer valid. And there is really no better example of this than the practice of testing audio amplifiers with square wave (or various sawtooth or triangle wave) signals.

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That Didn’t Go Well!

Have you ever made a mistake? Not a typical everyday little mistake like forgetting to run an errand, but a blunder of such proportions that you’re shocked by your foolishness? One that leaves you thinking you couldn’t have been that naive, that foolish? Well I did. And it left me with significant embarrassment, as well as some smoke coming out of an amplifier.

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