Can We Talk?

I know it’s been a while since my last post. Things have been a little hectic for my family this summer. Hopefully I’ll be able to get back to more regular posting in a few of weeks.

But that’s not what I want to talk about. I want to talk about the major changes currently taking place in the US economy and our supply chains, and some things we as hobbyists can do to help protect ourselves from problems.

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Back to Work

I guess that some folks have been wondering what I’ve been up to the last month or so. Well, I’ve been trying to take it easy to let a shoulder injury heal. If physical therapy can be considered “taking it easy”. In the last month I’ve learned all about labrum tears. However, today something arrived in the mail and that means it’s time to get back to work.

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A Small Delay to the EL84 SE-UL Optimization

As I said the other day, “It is my estimation that the EL84 would greatly benefit from a lower percentage UL tap transformer.” Whereas there is much to be learned from the current data set taken with the Edcor GXSE10-5K transformer, I have decided that a different configuration needs to be tested as well.

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More Thoughts on the EL84 SE-UL Optimization

So I’ve spent the last week looking at the data from the initial effort. I’ve retaken some data, analyzed the performance and setup, poured over data sheets and characteristics curves, listened to some music at a lot of different operating points, and I’ve drawn some initial conclusions. And I must confess I’ve gotten some interesting surprises.

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About Transformer Grounding

When looking at schematics and builds of vacuum tube amplifiers employing output transformers some people notice a curious inconsistency. On some amplifiers, the output (i.e. secondary) side of the transformer is grounded, on others, it is not. This can lead to a dilemma for amplifier builders: To ground, or not to ground? Luckily, there are some simple guidelines which will almost always yield the correct answer.

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807 Triode Investigations

In my last post, I talked about the changes I’ve made to my 807 prototype jig so that I could investigate the 400v, triode strapped, plate voltage limit. Now I’ve managed to spend some time playing with the high voltage prototype power supply and my newly modified jig. As a result, I’ve learned a surprising amount about the 807 operating as a triode.

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Yup. More Testing

A comment by “Dave K” a few days ago got me thinking about how I intend to run my 807 power stage and the limitations listed on the data sheet. So it shouldn’t be a shock to anyone that I’ve decided that a little more testing is required. And that required an update of my 807 test jig.

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