The chassis for the Source Selector Unit / Preamp is out of the clamps. I removed the clamps, cleaned up the little bit of glue squeeze out at the joints, and gave it a light sanding. It looks fantastic.
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Sometimes Waiting is the Hardest Part
Today, I did a little drilling and then got the chassis into glue up.
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Before I perform the chassis glue up, I decided I wanted to get the two pieces of metal for the back drilled. This means I can make the pilot holes for the mounting screws in the inside of the back without having to work with a drill inside the glued up chassis. It’s a little thing but it makes the first assembly go that much smoother.
Continue readingWhen It Rains, It Pours!
So I had another productive day working on the Source Selector Unit / Preamp chassis. The chassis has all the major woodworking complete and is ready for glue up.
Continue readingSSU Chassis Progress
I got some time today to make grain decisions and cut some basic joinery. It finally feels like I’m making progress.
Continue readingWood Decision Time
Since I picked the wood for the Source Selector Unit/Preamp project yesterday, I decided to spent some time in the shop today getting the chassis pieces milled to thickness and cut to size.
Continue readingThings Are Finally Moving Forward
After a difficult and focused three months or so, I am finally getting back to my normal routines. And that means I’m returning to work on my Source Selector Unit/Preamp project. Thank you to everyone who has had patience with my absence from the website.
Continue readingSmall Steps
This is just a quick post to let everyone know that I haven’t fallen off the face of the Earth. These last few weeks I have been dealing with some emergent health issues which have prevented me from getting out to my shop. But I have at least selected the wood for my Source Selector Unit/Preamp.
Continue readingTime to Get Back to Work
I’ve been taking it easy the last week and a half in the run up to Christmas. But today Front Panel Express came through with the front plate for the new project. Time to get back to work.
Continue readingAnother Indulgence
The design of Source Selector Unit/Preamp is coming along and I think I’m going to spring for a professionally made front panel. Today I spent some time with the design software from Front Panel Express and I think the ability to provide custom engravings will be worth it.
Continue readingProgress on the Source Selector
Over the last several days I’ve made some progress on the layout of the new project. This is about the point where it’s time to start looking at wood.
Continue readingMeters and Transformers
A couple of quick topics today. The first is about meters and the features we (well “I”) seem to over look. The second is a quick bit of news about transformers.
Continue readingSomething a Little Different
About a month ago I had an exchange with a reader talking about The Purpleheart Signal Meters and modifying the project to provide multiple inputs and some gain balancing. I’ve been giving this a lot of thought in the last couple of weeks because I have the same needs. So I think this is going to be my next major project.
Continue readingHappy Thanksgiving
To all those in the US, Happy Thanksgiving.
It’s a good day to reflect on all we have and spend some time with family and friends. And that’s not a bad thing to do wherever you reside.
The 6L6 SE-UL Amplifier Project Description
The complete project description page for the 6L6 SE-UL amplifier is now live and can be found at the following link: The 6L6 “Spalted Alder” Amp.