I’ve been working on a whole bunch of different projects this last week. But I managed to carve out a little time to get all the chassis metal for the source selector unit cut to size, fit to the chassis, and marked for drilling.
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About That Metal Work
I often get questions about how I design and construct my projects. One of the things I realized this morning, after receiving such a question, was that I really haven’t addressed my basic metal work and how I size all the aluminum parts I use for my chassis. So I thought I’d give a little insight into how I make these cuts and how I got to where I am today.
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I’ve been catching up on all my spring chores and managed to steal a couple of hours in the shop this morning. The Source Selector Unit chassis is now all sanded. I also took the time to cut and fit the aluminum for the top and bottom plates. Now my attention will turn to getting all the holes laid out and drilled on the aluminum.
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I actually spent a fair amount of time thinking about how to dress the chassis edges for the Source Selector Unit. But after much deliberation, a couple of scrap tests, and some evolution in thought as it progressed, I believe I’ve found a solution I really like.
Continue readingHow to Proceed
A good friend of mine, who’s opinion I value, has made a suggestion concerning the Source Selection Unit chassis. And I’m looking for some input.
Continue readingPatience Pays Off
The chassis for the Source Selector Unit / Preamp is out of the clamps. I removed the clamps, cleaned up the little bit of glue squeeze out at the joints, and gave it a light sanding. It looks fantastic.
Continue readingSometimes Waiting is the Hardest Part
Today, I did a little drilling and then got the chassis into glue up.
Continue readingSome Metal Work
Before I perform the chassis glue up, I decided I wanted to get the two pieces of metal for the back drilled. This means I can make the pilot holes for the mounting screws in the inside of the back without having to work with a drill inside the glued up chassis. It’s a little thing but it makes the first assembly go that much smoother.
Continue readingWhen It Rains, It Pours!
So I had another productive day working on the Source Selector Unit / Preamp chassis. The chassis has all the major woodworking complete and is ready for glue up.
Continue readingSSU Chassis Progress
I got some time today to make grain decisions and cut some basic joinery. It finally feels like I’m making progress.
Continue readingThings Are Finally Moving Forward
After a difficult and focused three months or so, I am finally getting back to my normal routines. And that means I’m returning to work on my Source Selector Unit/Preamp project. Thank you to everyone who has had patience with my absence from the website.
Continue reading6L6 SE-UL Top plate installed
I got a chance to do a little work on the amp today. I managed to install the top plate on the spalted alder chassis, install the filter inductors for the power stages, connect the output transformer secondaries to the speaker terminals, and wire in the power transformer primary and indicator light.
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In the last few days I’ve managed to get most of the wiring on the 6L6 SE-UL top plate complete. This includes all the preposterously large power supply filter capacitors.
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The paint seemed to be good and hard this afternoon. So when I got a little free time, I decided to start assembly.
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I’m still waiting for the top plate paint to harden. But that didn’t keep me from getting some wiring done on the chassis today.
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