After a busy Christmas season, including a brief trip out of state between Christmas and new year, I have finally managed to get the Lacewood amplifier back up and running. As part of this effort I also identified the root cause of the initial failure. And frankly I’m a little angry about it.
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That Didn’t Go Well!
Have you ever made a mistake? Not a typical everyday little mistake like forgetting to run an errand, but a blunder of such proportions that you’re shocked by your foolishness? One that leaves you thinking you couldn’t have been that naive, that foolish? Well I did. And it left me with significant embarrassment, as well as some smoke coming out of an amplifier.
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Would you believe it? Today while listening to the 6V6 Lacewood V2 I heard a funny little popping sound and a short duration whine. It only lasted a few seconds, then it was gone. But when I walked over to the amp there was a distinct smell of “magic smoke“. Once again, the game’s afoot!
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I have witnessed a lot of electrolytic capacitor failures. Most of these failures have occurred from improper wiring polarity or a significant over voltage condition. They generally involve an explosive emptying of the capacitor shell. These failures usually leave a smoking husk of a component and a spray of foil bits, dielectric insulation, and liquid electrolyte spewed across the circuit, chassis, and sometimes, the test technician. But recently I came across a much different failure. One which seemed to be specially concocted to sneak by without notice.
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